Social determinants of health (SDOH), or economic and social conditions that contribute to differences in health equity such as education access and quality, economic stability and healthcare access, contribute to differences in health equity across populations. While the clinical environment may not be sufficient to address all non-clinical factors that contribute to poor health, clinicians are uniquely positioned to screen for critical SDOH needs and initiate referrals for social support. To truly benefit the patient, SDOH data must be interoperable between EHRs, measurable and actionable – and must keep the clinician informed about outcomes from referrals and interventions. IMO solutions enable complete documentation at the point of care and standardize clinical patient data from diverse systems into consistent, structured terminology.
Learn more about the challenges involved in SDOH screening and response:
- Mapping SDOH data to standard terminology codes such as LOINC® and reporting them in patients’ problem lists
- Writing data back into the EHR to close the loop when a referral has been made or an action taken
- Updating the original documentation to show the change when a patient’s situation changes
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