The Future of Telehealth and Rural Connectivity1.PNG

The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the disparities in urban and rural Americans’ access to healthcare. Access to care considered routine in urban communities is either rarely found or in short supply in rural areas, and this gap has widened due to pandemic-related practitioner burnout and hospital closures. T-Mobile is committed to bringing the power of broadband cellular connectivity to everyone across America through their nationwide extended range of 5G and to keeping 5G coverage affordable. This expanded coverage will be crucial in making it possible for more Americans to utilize telehealth services to reduce the gap in rural healthcare access.

Read about how 5G can help shape the future of rural telehealth, including:

  • Enabling remote surgery support and robotic surgery for rural hospitals
  • Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning for streamlined remote diagnostics
  • Using private networks for all computers and devices within a hospital to improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes

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